How a best-before is shown on a label
How a best-before is shown on a label In Canada
The best-before date must be identified using the words "best before" and "meilleur avant" grouped together with the date, unless a clear explanation of the significance of the best-before date appears elsewhere on the label. Similarly, packaged-on dates must also be grouped together with the date, using the words "packaged on" and "empaqueté le".
The best-before date may appear anywhere on the package. If it is placed on the bottom, this has to be indicated elsewhere on the label.
The month must be in both official languages or indicated by using specified bilingual symbols.
The year is optional, unless it is needed for the sake of clarity (for example, if the shelf life extends into a new calendar year). If included, the year must appear first, followed by the month, then the day.
Best before
17 JA 30
Meilleur avant
- JA: January
- FE: February
- MR: March
- AL: April
- MA: May
- JN: June
- JL: July
- AU: August
- SE: September
- OC: October
- NO: November
- DE: December